“Starting from the users' needs" was well applied in our R&D team. We are very sensitive to changes in users' needs and have built an internal, fast-response innovation system of communication and collaboration involving R&D, production, logistics, sales, and service teams. Therefore, products that fit users' needs better can be innovated in an efficient and effective way. Agricm R&D team is composed of personnel with PHD and master's degrees who also have rich experience in the machinery sector and are equipped with high-tech development tools and testing equipment to work on frontier technology. Different from others, Agricm is a company of product solution, so we focus more on the solution, which means we work with a product mindset on every technology developed and keep thinking about the real value that can provide to our users during the whole R&D process. So every technology in Agricm is solving customers' needs in either a new way or a better way. Following this mindset and equipped with solid R&D capability, Agricm is the first manufacturer of China that makes tractors of more than 400 horsepower into volume production. Meanwhile, new CVT transmission applied to all horsepower tractors is also under development and will be launched in the near future.
Oriented from the "Product Solution" position of the company, we focus on technology application which Means we always care about the real value of each technology can provide to users.So besides heavy input to internal R&D,we also pay attention to extern a collaboration and synergy.We have built active technology cooperation with several to universities as well as scientific research institutions,for example,we are working with National Key Laboratory of Vehicular Transmission of Beijing Institute of Technology on certain specific technology,Mean while,since passenger vehicles industry has developed and innovated very fast,we have kept communicating closely with some passenger vehicles manufacturer as well as their tier-vendor see the possibility of certain technology applying in agriculture machinery.Besides,based on finance and private equity back ground of the management team,we also put global M&A into consideration to maintain our technology advantage.In a word,all of which we have been trying to achieve in tech is to meet our users' needs,solve their problems,and increase their satisfaction.
New technology is just the start,what matters most is apply the new technology in volume production and also make sure the products work in the premium quality.To guarantee the quality,Agricm produce its own core parts such as chassis(including gear box and rear axle),radiator,front axle,etc.The high percent age of self-manufactured parts ensures the quality control of the final products.Meanwhile,the core components of the chassis and gear box are made of titanium alloy to provide greater strength,stiffness and stability. Further more,each chassis and gear box are subjected to a 20-30minutes high-intensity durability test.Besides,final product will be also taken a series of test before delivery. Every operating situation a tractor might encounter is simulated to fully examine the Trans mission's controls,components and workmanship.For example,gears and bearings Are tested for maximum performance under conditions such as high pressure and maximum speed.
Orientedfromthe“ProductSolution”positionofthecompany,wefocusontechnology applicationwhichmeanswealwayscareabouttherealvalueofeachtechnologycan providetousers.SobesidesheavyinputtointernalR&D,wealsopayattentiontoexternal collaborationandsynergy.Wehavebuiltactivetechnologycooperationwithseveraltop universitiesaswellasscientificresearchinstitutions,forexample,weareworkingwith NationalKeyLaboratoryofVehicularTransmissionofBeijingInstituteofTechnologyon certainspecifictechnology.Meanwhile,sincepassengervehiclesindustryhasdeveloped andinnovatedveryfast,wehavekeptcommunicatingcloselywithsomepassenger vehiclesmanufactureraswellastheirtier-1vendortoseethepossibilityofcertain technologyapplyinginagriculturemachinery.Besides,basedonfinanceandprivate equitybackgroundofthemanagementteam,wealsoputglobalM&Aintoconsiderationto maintainourtechnologyadvantage.Inaword,allofwhichwehavebeentryingtoachieve intechistomeetourusers’needs,solvetheirproblems,andincreasetheirsatisfaction.
Newtechnologyisjustthestart,whatmattersmostisapplythenewtechnologyinvolume productionandalsomakesuretheproductsworkinthepremiumquality.Toguaranteethe quality,Agricmproduceitsowncorepartssuchaschassis(includinggearboxandrear axle),radiator,frontaxle,etc.Thehighpercentageofself-manufacturedpartsensuresthe qualitycontrolofthefinalproducts.Meanwhile,thecorecomponentsofthechassisand gearboxaremadeoftitaniumalloytoprovidegreaterstrength,stiffnessandstability. Furthermore,eachchassisandgearboxaresubjectedtoa20–30minuteshigh-intensity durabilitytest.Besides,finalproductwillbealsotakenaseriesoftestbeforedelivery. Everyoperatingsituationatractormightencounterissimulatedtofullyexaminethe transmission'scontrols,componentsandworkmanship.Forexample,gearsandbearings aretestedformaximumperformanceunderconditionssuchashighpressureand maximumspeed.